Gifts of grace street mission

Providing weekly sunday breakfast and thursday supper meals year round to people in downtown Winnipeg .

2019 gifts of grace annual report - click here


7th Annual Summer BBQ:

“This Thursday evening, Gifts of Grace Street Mission held it’s 7th annual barbecue at the loop in front of Salvation Army and Main Street Project. 
To say it was a full house would be an understatement. The line never seemed to end. 
We served 600 hot dogs supplied by Derksen Mechanical, 150 sandwiches, 200 ice cream sundaes, donated by Jocelyn Vann, pasta salad& cole slaw, chips, cookies & baking, 2 large Gatorade containers of juice and about 400 bottles of water. ( the water and the homemade cookies were donated by Blessed Sacrament, St. Saviour's, and Transcona Memorial United Church members.) We were once again fortunate enough to have Alan Sideen join us, as he provided his caricature services to many of our patrons. This is always a big hit. Thanks once again, friend. The night was a success!”

Our 2019 Volunteer Appreciation Night hosted @ St. Saviour’s Church

Our 2019 Volunteer Appreciation Night hosted @ St. Saviour’s Church

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